
Credit Hours: 2
Categories: , Valid in the following state:

New Jersey Barrier Free Subcode

This two hour credit course New Jersey Barrier Free Subcode will discuss the various aspects of the New Jersey Barrier Free Subcode N.J.A.C. 5:23-7. By understanding the specific exceptions and residential and non-residential buildings, the student will grasp a better understanding of the code as they apply to both building and fire alarm installations.

In this course, the audio has been enriched with the innovative integration of Cymatrax technology, providing an enhanced auditory experience for learners.

Categories: , Valid in the following state:

Product Description / Course Objectives

This course will lay out the basics of the Barrier Free Subcode N.J.A.C. 5:23-7, explain what is needed of students to meet its requirements and is approved by the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, New Jersey Fire Alarm, Burglar Alarm and Locksmith Advisory Committee. Following the completion of this course, the student will know an overview of the code, including interior and exterior accessible routes in both residential and non-residential buildings. Approval Code (L/C-13(8)C031)


Credit Hours: 2


Approved for CEU Credit in:

New Jersey