
Credit Hours: 10
Categories: , Valid in the following state:

New Jersey 10hr Burglar Alarm Renewal Package

The package is composed of 10 hours of State approved Burglar Alarm specific courses. Included in this package is the Residential Fire Systems (TECRF-13(8)C044) course. This course has been approved by the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, New Jersey Fire Alarm, Burglar Alarm, and Locksmith Advisory Committee to meet the 3 hour smoke detection course required of all New Jersey Burglar Alarm License holders.

Categories: , Valid in the following state:

Product Description / Course Objectives

This package consists of the following classes:

Advanced Burglar Alarms

Designing a Functional and Reliable Intrusion Alarm System

Proven Approaches to System Power Needs

Best Practices in Troubleshooting Burglar Alarm Systems

Troubleshooting your System

Residential Fire Systems


Credit Hours: 10


Approved for CEU Credit in:

New Jersey