
Credit Hours: 1

Proper Wiring Technique

This one-hour course, Proper Wiring Technique teaches about wiring basic electrical systems, including burglar alarms. It will cover the basics of wired electrical systems and how devices are connected. This course covers cable and wire functions, planning the security system, installing a hard-wired alarm system and its various components (control panel, detectors, powered detectors, signaling devices, etc), and some applications and general tips. As a result, the student will gain a better understanding of how alarm systems in residential buildings are connected.

In this course, the audio has been enriched with the innovative integration of Cymatrax technology, providing an enhanced auditory experience for learners.

Product Description / Course Objectives


This course is designed for the security professional who has intermediate knowledge of electrical wiring in residential buildings, and would like some information on tips and techniques for wiring.


Credit hours: 1


Approved for CEU Credit in:

Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina (Alarm), Tennessee: (Qualified Agent), Texas